Water cleaning

Our company specializes in comprehensive supplies for municipal wastewater treatment plants and treatment plants for waste and process water in industrial facilities. 

Biological and chemical purification and chemical treatment 

The treatment of wastewater is divided into two basic categories: biological and chemical purification, and chemical treatment. The result of the biological process of wastewater purification is wastewater that can be discharged into water courses or infiltrated into the ground, or else treated and recycled for further use.

Chemical purification and treatment is a process used primarily for industrial water, from which undesired chemicals and other substances are removed. In most cases, the water is returned to production as process water. 

In the case of recycling wastewater, it is possible to achieve substantial savings in the consumption of drinking water. A significant part of the purification process is the treatment of storm water. Particularly in industrial complexes, storm water can be polluted from production processes performed in outdoor areas.

Services associated with wastewater treatment plants:

  • Treatment of municipal wastewater 
  • Treatment of industrial wastewater 
  • Comprehensive technology for wastewater treatment 
  • Technological equipment for treatment of industrial wastewater 
  • Technological proposals and designing (design documentation, legislation, building permits and consulting)

We use comprehensive systems that meet requirements for the best available technologies (BAT) in all categories of wastewater treatment plants. We use state-of-the-art systems in wastewater treatment plants for both municipal wastewater and industrial wastewater.